Sunday, 21 November 2010

T17 Glossary of Terms #2

PLANNING - General controlled creation through policy.

Planning – Setting of parameters that define how a built form is developed, in consideration of its historical context and current surroundings.

SPATIAL PLANNING - Placing/taking away to optimise an enviornment.

Spatial Planning – Improvement of a space used by the public, from small to large scale, assessing its social use and movement patterns, to optimise its environment.

DESIGN - Creating through thinking and testing.

Design – Creative thinking regarding all facets and use of an object or space, allowing for ease and comfort when experienced.

URBAN DESIGN - Consideration, on a number of social, practical, and political levels, in the design of spaces.

Urban Design - Strategically creating a set of rules or ‘framework’ on a wider scale that, through analysis of context, user groups and infrastructure, protects existing attributes and culture, yet allows for the development of new routes, public and private architecture, and the spaces inbetween.

CONTEXT - Our surroundings. Awareness.

Context – Researched information regarding the surroundings of a site, that can be approached from many aspects: historical, environmental, social, economical, political.

EDGES - Change in condition

Edges – An area or border line that exposes a contrast between contextual issues ie Religious boundaries, old and new, rich and poor.

SCALE - Relation of size to space

Scale – The ratio at which an area is observed, that dictates how detailed the observation is, and how large an area is viewed.

URBAN - Un-empty built space.

Urban – Classification of a type of settlement, different to a rural area due to an increase in built form and public space and amenities.

AESTHETIC - Visual appearance

Aesthetic – How an object, graphic, building or any visual is evaluated in terms of its appearance.

INFRASTRUCTURE - Hard, social, green, anything that serves.

Infrastructure – An arrangement of services connecting to feed a space or building.

FACADE – Frontage.

Façade – Materiality of the external envelope of a building.

CONSULTATION - Talking to people.

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