Thursday, 13 January 2011

T22 - Olympics Lecture

The Olympic legacy can be seen as a driver for the growth of London Eastward, a new Urban District, whilst also improving the conditions of two of the most deprived communities in Europe.

View of the Olympic Park from the North looking down towards the less resolved Southern area surrounding the stadium.

In Legacy mode, the North area of the site will adopt Abercombie’s strategy of a connected park, a park that will connect the Lea Valley upwards, along the ‘Fat Walk’, through the football pitches of Hackney Marshes and Northwards to the Reservoirs, in a 'Health Corridor’ of sorts. Having just come back from Odessa and seen their versions of 'health walks' there, I am more convinced of the idea. The walk in Odessa was well used by both cyclists and walkers, and scattered with outdoor gyms and parks.

Outdoor gym in Odessa on the Health Walk by the sea, being used by old ladies.

Northern region of the Olympic Park, where the canals are banked in green space, to potentially be used like Hyde park adjacent to the Serpentine.

In the latter half of the lecture that focused on the Olympic Park in Legacy mode, it was emphasised how the Olympic site should not be seen as a single place, rather one that bleeds into its surroundings, bringing in the need for research into the communities surrounding the site.

To summarise the points that caught my attention in this relatively long lecture. I have made a list. How practical.

Diverse heritage
Industrial neglect
Crossed by important transport ways
Horizontal views punctured by Pylons
Huge Site
Transport and Waste Management Plan
Ecology Plan
Biodiversity Action Plan
Urban Design and Landscape Framework
Inclusive Access Strategy

2012 Sustainability Strategy: Keeping and Reusing
PLUG-Powerlines Underground rather than pylons (but what about the landmark value of the Pylon - it's a shame they didn't try and include in their scheme and celebrate.)
New Energy Centres - celebrating the utilities with good design
Water Pumping Station: Homage in design
Utilities carried in Bridges (ground plane bridges)
Hills&Fluid Mitigation
Road side bridges decorated

Final Questions, beside that of how do you stop bad graphics in brochures:

How do you activate large open areas? Very relevant for Tottenham.

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